Chipp is a researcher at the Textile Circularity Centre with a background in robotics, engineering and creative computing.
Chipp is researching physical and digital tools for the circular economy of textiles. His work on Circular Supply Chains focuses on bridging novel biomaterials research with consumer experience research.
In addition, is currently completing a PhD in Robotics at King’s College London in Co-Creative Drawing Systems. He has an industry background in data visualisation for large scale behaviour change models. He also has teaching experience in computer science and creative computing in the UK (King’s College London, Brunel University) and the US (City University of New York, Pratt Institute, Cornell University and the University of Michigan
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Research interests
His broader research interests are in building interdisciplinary bridges with robotics / computer science and art / design through developing platforms for creation focusing on the practises and workflows for artists, creators, makers, artisans and crafters. He is also interested in the livelihood for artists in a world of increased automation and commodities artificial creativity.
He is passionate about circularity in consumer electronics and encourages re-use through hardware hacking, reverse engineering and re-imagining the electronics waste flow.
Research funding
Doctoral Fellowship, “Collaborative Drawing Systems”, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) UK (2017–21)
Publications, exhibitions, other outcomes
Jansen C. and Sklar E. (2021) Predicting Artist Drawing Activity via Multi-camera Inputs for Co-creative Drawing. In: Fox C., Gao J., Ghalamzan Esfahani A., Saaj M., Hanheide M., Parsons S. (eds) Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems. TAROS 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13054. Springer, Cham., pp. 217-227.
Jansen C and Sklar E (2021) Exploring Co-creative Drawing Workflows. Front. Robot. AI 8:577770. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2021.577770.