KwickScreen is a versatile retractable screen that creates a temporary partition for hospital wards, helping infection control and improving patient privacy and dignity.
It has been specifically designed for the healthcare environment and for use between hospital beds in a ward situation. They can be used as physical barriers between beds, helping infection control and still giving clinical staff visibility of the patient, or as privacy and dignity screens.
The product has been sold into more than 30 NHS trusts and is being exported to Europe, the Americas and the Middle East.
Amongst its many achievements, Kwickscreen has been voted one of Britain's 50 New Radicals by the Observer and NESTA, and its founder, Michael Korn, was votedĀ Young Entrepreneur of the Year by Shell Livewire.
More information on theĀ Kwickscreen website
StickSafe is a patented needle stick safety tray that delivers two significant benefits to the healthcare environment: reducing the likelihood of needle related injury and significantly reducing the cost of sharps waste disposal.
Michael Korn and Denis Anscomb make up the core team. Michael, inventor of the two products, is an alumni of both Imperial College and the Royal College of Art, whilst Denis, commercial director, has several years experience in commercialising new products and in building early stage businesses. The team is completed by Isabel Lizardi, who manages administration and operations.