The project focuses on R&D and industrialisation of Notpla’s seaweed paper for packaging applications. The paper is made with seaweed by-products from industrial processes. Reducing the pressure in trees and crops.

At a glance
Our aims in the project are to:
- develop a biodegradable chemical free seaweed paperboard with comparable cost and performance of wood-based paper and cardboard
- focus on R&D and industrialisation of Notpla’s seaweed paper for packaging applications within the cosmetics and fashion packaging industry.
Key details
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The challenge
By using seaweed by-products, we want to minimize the need for virgin wood fibre and repurposing an industrial by-product from our industrial processes. Also, to start with, we want to provide a new product with less environmental impact by producing a paper without any synthetic chemicals. Seaweed is widely used in Notpla's products.
The industry says it couldn’t be done but we have already proven that a 30% inclusion in industrial processes is possible. With milling partners and a team of chemists, our dream is to push it up to 70% seaweed inclusion with Terra Carta.
Proposed solution
Rival technologies do exist: however they tend to add chemicals and a small inclusion of alternative fibres. Also, there is a tendency to introduce plastic as an alternative to paper such as Stone paper.
We have tested initial prototypes (included in the images attached) that highlight the journey that we’ve been in so far. We’re exploring the ultimate end-goal for our commercialisation of the product to ensure we capture the markets that represent the greatest opportunity. We currently work with Just Eat for our Coated boxes and they would be a potential partner interested in the technology. For creating future boxes with the paper.
Publicising trials
The results of the project will be shared both through existing Notpla media channels (including social media), as well as the trial partner media channels (with permission).
Events and trade shows
Notpla is regularly involved in attending and presenting at various industry and innovation related conferences and trade shows. The results of this project will be disseminated at these events, for example, conferences such as Ecomondo, Packaging Innovations, and Sustainability in Packaging.
Further information
The growing paper industry is increasing the pressure on our forests that are essential in storing carbon and maintaining biodiversity on land. It is predicted that there will be a 250 million hectares shortfall of managed forests by 2050 through inaction (WWF). We need to take action now. By creating a seaweed-based paper we want to reduce the need for virgin wood pulp by utilising a seaweed fibre by-product instead