The Senate is responsible for promoting and validating the academic work of the College both in teaching and research and regulates the education, welfare and discipline of the students.
- Professor Christoph Lindner, President and Vice-Chancellor (Chair)
- Heather Akif, Chief Operating Officer
- Ken Neil, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Academic Professor
- Dr Emma Wakelin, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation
- Dr Adrian Lahoud, Dean - School of Architecture
- Kerry Curtis, Dean - School of Communication and Acting Dean - School of Design
- Professor Chantal Faust, Dean - School of Arts & Humanities
- Director - Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design
- Lening Huang (Renee), President of the Student’s Union
Elected and Co-opted
- Tom Simmons, Head of Programme Digital Direction MA
- Dr Godofredo Pereira, Head of Programme Environmental Architecture MA
- Professor Ashley Hall, Postgraduate Research Lead Design MPhil/PhD and Head of Programme Healthcare & Design MRes
- Professor Victoria Walsh, Head of Programme Curating Contemporary Art MA
- Dr Sina Sareh, Academic Leader Robotics
- Dr Carolina Ramirez-Figueroa, Senior Research Tutor Information Experience Design MA
- Professor Johnny Golding, Professor of Philosophy & Fine Art, Research Group Lead: Entanglement and MA School Group Lead: Radical Matter
- Dr Mijke van der Drift, Tutor (Research) Animation MA and Tutor (Research) Visual Communication MA
- Dr Artur Mausbach, Senior Research Fellow, Intelligent Mobility Design Centre
- Sharon Lee, Specialist Technical Instructor in Lithography, Print (ILTS)
- Dieudonnee Burrows, School General Manager – School of Communication
- Janmejay Singh, Digital Direction MA (2024)
- Dr Lucy Dawkins, (Interim) Academic Registrar
- Dr Jernej Mozic, General Manager, Academic Development Office.
In attendance
- Amanda White, Chief Financial Officer
- Corinne Smith, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education & Student Experience
- Dr Chris Mitchell, Deputy Director of Academic Development
Terms of office
Nominated members of academic staff will serve on the Committee for a maximum of three years; their consecutive term of office can be extended by a maximum of three years by mutual consent.
- Quorum: One-third of the total actual membership (or the nearest whole number thereto) provided that at least two-thirds of those present at any time shall be members of the Academic Staff.
- Number of meetings per year: Three
Terms of Reference
1. The Senate shall consist of the following persons, namely:
(i) Ex officio Members:
- The President and Vice-Chancellor
- Pro Vice-Chancellor, Academic
- Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation
- The Deans of Schools
- Chief Operating Officer
- The Director of the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design
- The President of the Students' Union
(ii) Representatives of the staff and students as prescribed by Ordinance.
2. (i) Ex officio Members of the Senate shall remain Members only so long as they hold the office by virtue of which they became Members.
(ii) The Members of the Senate appointed or elected in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph 1(ii) of this Statute shall hold office for three years and shall be eligible for re-appointment or re-election (as the case may be) for one or more such further periods, save that any Student Member shall be eligible for re-appointment for one further year only while they remain a registered student of the College.
(iii) Any member of the Senate may resign at any time by writing addressed to the Secretary of the Senate.
3. The Senate shall exercise full responsibility over the academic work of the College and shall, subject to the powers reserved to the Council by these Statutes, take such measures and act in such manner as shall appear to it best calculated to promote the academic work of the College both in teaching and research, and for the regulation and superintendence of the education, welfare and discipline of the students. The Senate shall, subject to the Charter and these Statutes, and to the powers reserved thereby to the Council, have the following powers:
(i) To appoint persons to be Members of the Court as provided for in Statute 12.
(ii) To appoint persons to be Members of the Council as provided for in Statute 13.
(iii) To prescribe the powers, functions and membership of any Boards of Faculties.
(iv) To make recommendations to the Council on any academic matters whatsoever.
(v) To regulate the admission of persons to courses of study.
(vi) (a) To regulate all College examinations; (b) To appoint examiners whether internal or external.
(vii) To prescribe the requirements of the College for graduation.
(viii) To terminate the studies of any Student whose work is found after examination to be unsatisfactory.
(ix) After considering a report by the Vice-Chancellor on any Student whom he has suspended or excluded under the powers given to him under Statute 6, either to reinstate such Student, or in cases where such Student appears to the Senate to have been guilty of serious misconduct, to expel such Student or, if the Senate shall think fit, to extend the period of suspension or exclusion imposed on him by the Vice-Chancellor: provided that the procedure for expulsion, suspension or exclusion of a Student by the Senate shall be prescribed by Ordinance and shall include provision for the Student to be heard by the Senate before it shall make any decision about his expulsion, suspension or exclusion.
(x) To regulate and control all teaching and courses of study in the College and to prescribe the conditions to qualify persons to receive Degrees, Diplomas, Licences or Certificates or other awards of the College.
(xi) To accept such examinations, courses of study and periods of study at such universities, institutions and any other place as the Senate may approve as equivalent to such examinations, courses of study and periods of study in the College as the Senate may determine.
(xii) To determine what formalities shall attach to College ceremonies and to the conferment of Degrees and other distinctions other than honorary Degrees.
(xiii) To recommend to the Council such persons as it may deem advisable to receive honorary Degrees of the College.
(xiv) To recommend to the Council the establishment of academic posts in the College and, if it thinks fit, to recommend that any vacant post be not filled or that any post except a post created by these Statutes be suspended or abolished.
(xv) To review from time to time the duties of and make recommendations to the Council upon the terms and conditions of appointment of the Academic Staff.
(xvi) To make recommendations to the Council from time to time as to the expediency of the establishment, or abolition, of Faculties, Schools, Departments, Institutes, Research Centres or Boards and as to their organisation, constitution and function and the modification or revision thereof.
(xvii) To review, amend, refer back, control or disallow any act of any Faculty, Board, School, Department, Institute, Research Centre or other Board.
(xviii) To recommend to the Council the institution of Fellowships, Scholarships, Studentships, Prizes and other aids to study and research and to prescribe, subject to any condition made by the founders and to any directions of the Council, the terms and conditions of competition for such Fellowships, Scholarships, Studentships and Prizes and to examine for and award the same.
(xix) To make recommendations to the Council regarding College fees.
(xx) To regulate the discipline of the Students of the College.
(xxi) To promote research within the College and to require reports from time to time on such research.
(xxii) To be responsible for the general administration of the academic services of the College including the Library.
(xxiii) To supervise the extra-mural work of the College.
(xxiv) Except as otherwise provided, to appoint representatives of the College on other bodies.
(xxv) To make recommendations to the Council for, and agree to, the amendment of, additions to or repeal of these Statutes and the Ordinances.
(xxvi) Generally to exercise all such powers as are or may be conferred on the Senate by the Charter and these Statutes including the power to make Regulations in the exercise of the powers hereinbefore expressly set out in this Statute and of all the other powers of the Senate.
4. One-third of the total actual membership of the Senate (or the nearest whole number thereto) shall constitute a quorum provided that at least two-thirds of those present at any time shall be Members of the Academic Staff. In the absence of a qualifying quorum no business shall be transacted other than the adjournment of the Meeting. At the adjourned Meeting the business for which the original Meeting was called may be completed in the absence of a quorum. The manner of summoning the adjourned Meeting and the period of notice to be given shall be prescribed in the Regulations of the Senate.
5. (i) The Senate may establish Committees of its Members and may appoint either as full Members or as assessor Members of such Committees persons who are not Members of the Senate; provided that assessor Members shall not be entitled to vote at meetings of the Committee. The Senate may delegate to any such Committee any powers or functions which it is itself competent to perform.
(ii) The Vice-Chancellor shall be an ex-officio Member of all Committees of the Senate.
(iii) The Senate may establish with the Council Joint Committees of the Council and the Senate to which the Council may appoint Members of the Council and the Senate may appoint Members of the Senate. The Senate may delegate to any such Joint Committee any powers or functions which it is itself competent to perform.
(iv) The Senate may establish with the Students' Union Joint Committees of the Senate and the Students' Union which may make recommendations to the Senate on academic affairs and on matters concerning Student welfare and discipline.