Andrea is an actively practicing service designer and innovation expert with 30+ years industry experience including heading up Service Design at IDEO.
Andrea brings decades of practical industry experience to her role of Associate Lecturer and Tutor at the College. Her practice in a wide variety of sectors and organisations helpS students navigate project challenges with real world relevance.
Her passion for insightful, strategic and innovative research, prototyping and collaborative design feature in her lectures and tutorials. A consummate Design Thinker, she hails from the birthplaces of design thinking, IDEO and Stanford in California.
Andrea has lectured and tutored students at Imperial College London, London School of Business, Academy of Art College San Francisco, and her alma mater, Stanford University.
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Andrea’s most recent practical work focuses on innovating customer experiences for financial services within Nationwide, as well as strategic consultancy for HSBC, EY and fin-tech start-ups.
Healthcare, smart cities, charity and sustainability work feature extensively in her portfolio as Director of Innovation at Future Cities Catapult, and consultancy with organisations such Pfizer, the NHS and Oxfam whilst leading Service Design at IDEO London.
An advocate for enabling design thinking and innovation within organisations, she has worked with entrepreneurs, SMEs and corporates to establish creative processes and enable cultural change.