Elise is an independent Berlin-based researcher, editor, and educator trained in landscape architecture (MLA, Daniels), philosophy and geography (B.A., Hons, University of Toronto).
Elise’s transdisciplinary practice—with sites in Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Russia and Ukraine—employs cartographic, photographic and text-based methods to critically document, explore, and archive co-constitutive relationships between materials, resources, infrastructures, natural processes, humans and more-than-humans of charismatic landscapes. In her role as Visiting Lecturer and Tutor for ADS 7 (MA Architecture) alongside Marco Ferrari and Dr Jingru (Cyan) Cheng, this practice finds its starting point in the politics of the atmosphere, the domain where different vectors of the current climate crisis are meeting and interacting, where conflicts around its regulation are emerging.
Elise is also a Senior Researcher and Lecturer in the Architecture and Landscape Architecture programmes at The Bartlett School of Architecture (London), and an editorial board member for the journal Scapegoat: Architecture/Landscape/Political Economy. She is currently the editorial curator for transmediale, the festival for digital art and culture in Berlin.
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Current and recent projects
Sky River
A collaboration with Marco Ferrari and Jingru (Cyan) Cheng to investigate the politics of the atmosphere.
transmediale creates a space for critical reflection on cultural transformation from a post-digital perspective. For over thirty years, the annual festival for art and digital culture has been bringing together international artists, researchers, activists, and thinkers with the goal of developing new outlooks on our technological era through the entanglement of different genres and curatorial approaches. In the course of its history, transmediale has grown from its beginnings as VideoFilmFest to one of the most important events for art and digital culture worldwide.
Beyond the yearly event, transmediale is a transversal, dynamic platform with a vibrant community and a strong network that facilitates regular publications and year-round activities including commissions and artist residencies. One of transmediale’s closest cooperation partners is CTM Festival. The German Federal Cultural Foundation (kulturstiftung des Bundes) has supported transmediale as a cultural institution of excellence since 2004. transmediale is led by Artistic Director
Nora O Murchú with curators Ben Evan James (film and video), Dani Admiss (conference), Elise Misao Hunchuck (editorial), and Lorena Juan (exhibition).
Charismatic Landscapes
An Incomplete Atlas of Stones
Publications, exhibitions, other outcomes
Hunchuck, E. M., and Ferrari, M. and Cheng, J. C. (2021) ‘Prologue to the Sky River’, Avery Review, No. 53 [online] Available at: http://averyreview.com/issues/53/prologue-to-the-sky-river
Hunchuck, E. M., and Ferrari, M. and Cheng, J. C. (2021) Discharging [podcast] Wet-Togetherness. Available at: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wet-togetherness-8-discharging-cyan-cheng-marco-ferrari/id1332021431?i=1000527070963.
Teets, J., and Hunchuck, E. and Mendes, M. (eds.) (2021) Electric Brine. Berlin: Archive Books.
(2020–22) “Sky River: Politics of the Atmosphere” in Critical Zones: Observatories for Earthly Politics. ZKM | Center for Art and Media. Karlsruhe, Germany.
External collaborations and activities
Editor, transmediale (2020–ongoing)
Editorial board, Scapegoat (2017–ongoing)