Gerrie is an editor and educator. She is interested in publishing as an environment for the articulation of and critical reflection on creative practices.
Gerrie has worked on a wide range of publishing projects, including ‘Afterlives’ for Artangel and ‘Fabrications’ for Book Works. She has produced several critical anthologies and works for the open-access peer-reviewed PARSE Journal. Recent projects with artists include a selection of Isabel Nolan’s writing, a website on Olivia Plender’s work, and a book on Kathrin Böhm's practice (due 2023). Gerrie was a Visiting Lecturer at the MFA at the Glasgow School of Art (2003–15), at Birkbeck (2006–19), and since 2019 contributes to the RCA’s MA Curating Contemporary Art. She has a PhD from Birkbeck, University of London (2021).
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Research interests
Gerrie is interested in the role of publications and publishing in relation to art and curatorial practices. This includes considering publishing as part of the ecology of a single creative practice as well as situating publications as the result of a range of (creative) practices that together articulate something new that goes beyond mere mediation of artwork(s), exhibitions or curatorial projects. She is particularly interested in the potential of publications and publishing as an environment for manifestations of ‘the curatorial’.
These interests were the underpinnings of her practice-led PhD (Birkbeck, University of London, 2021). In her research she considered publications’ spatial and material traditions, genealogies and affordances; notions of mediation and translation (from artwork and/or curatorial project to book/ website); and different understandings of collaboration and authorship. Her aim was to on the one hand reposition publications as much more than simply carriers of information about art and curatorial projects, and on the other hand use publications to explore ideas of ‘the curatorial’ beyond the collaborative and discursive.
Publications, exhibitions, other outcomes
Mick Wilson and Paul O’Neill, eds. (2023). Kathrin Böhm: Art on the Scale of Life, London: Sternberg Press (managing editor).
Van Noord, G. (2022). Finding a Voice within a Cacophony. In A. Szefer-Karlsen and G. van Noord, eds. Responses #1– Opinions Informed by Practice. Bergen: University of Bergen, pp. 158-165.
Van Noord, G. (2022). Paying Attention: Pamela Golden’s Insistent Precision. Catalogue text Pamela Golden: Phantom Creeps. London: New Art Projects.
El Baroni, B., ed. (2022). Between the Material and the Possible: Infrastructural Re-examination and Speculation in Art. London: Sternberg Press (managing editor).
Plender, O. (2021). Artis’s website, https://oliviaplender.org/ (editor).
Van Noord, G. ed. (2020). Isabel Nolan: curling up with reality, Dublin/London: Kerlin Gallery/Launch Pad.
O’Neill, P., Sheikh, S., Steeds, L, and Wilson, M. eds. (2019). Curating after the Global: Roadmaps for the Present, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (managing editor).
O’Neill, P., Steeds, L, and Wilson, M. eds. (2017). How Institutions Think: Between Contemporary Art and Curatorial Discourse, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (managing editor).
O’Neill, P., Steeds, L, and Wilson, M. eds. (2016). The Curatorial Conundrum: What to Study? What to Research? What to Practice?, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (managing editor).
External collaborations and activities
Member Board of Trustees of London-based artists’ books publisher Book Works.