Gianpaolo Fusari
- Senior Designer, Helix Centre
The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design
Gianpaolo is an Industrial Designer with over 10 years experience in design innovation in healthcare.
Gianpaolo is currently seconded to the Helix Centre as a Senior Designer where he has led a variety of healthcare projects employing human centred design approaches.
He currently leads the Helix Centre’s work in neurorehabilitation where he is working with stroke survivors and clinicians to develop solutions to improve arm rehabilitation. Gianpaolo is most enthusiastic when collaborating in a multidisciplinary environment, he enjoys working with front-line clinicians, subject matter experts and, above all, patients.
Gianpaolo has applied his strategic and product design know-how in projects of different scales and scope including the redesign of emergency ambulances, reducing violence and aggression in A&E, instrumentation for orthopaedic surgery, improving uptake to bowel cancer screening and reducing pressure ulcers caused by oxygen therapies to name a few.
Gianpaolo holds a joint MA/MSc from the RCA and Imperial College London.
More information
When joining the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design in 2010 Gianpaolo applied his design skills to develop projects in the Health and Patient Safety Lab. He worked as a Research Associate in the Redesign of the UK Ambulance project to deliver a full-size demonstrator unit that is now influential in an agreement for a national specification among manufacturers and the NHS. His work on the ambulance has received multiple international awards including the Design Museum's Design of the Year Award in 2012 and a Silver IDEA Award by the Industrial Designers Society of America.
The ambulance project led Gianpaolo to develop an interest in user-centred design for medical and healthcare applications. Within the centre's Healthcare & Patient Safety Lab he has been involved in the Department of Health and Design Council initiative to reduce violence and aggression in A&E departments through design. These proposals have been implemented at several NHS Trusts across the UK demonstrating financial savings and improved patient outcomes. The work was awarded a Silver IDEA Award by the Industrial Designers Society of America.
During his time at the Centre he developed a specialism in using user-research tools to distil insights that lead to evidence-based design briefs - a skill he continues to employ to date at the Helix Centre.
Design Museum's Design of the Year Award in 2012
Silver IDEA Award by the Industrial Designers Society of America.
Finalist, Kitchen Designs for Intelligent Living, Toyota IQ Design Challenge, 2009
Second Prize, Hutchinson Whampoa/3 Mobile Lifephone Competition, 2008
CONACYT Scholarship, Mexico, 2007
Publications, exhibitions, other outcomes
Deo N, Khan KS, Mak J, Allotey J, Gonzalez Carreras FJ, Fusari G, et al. (2020) Virtual Reality for Acute Pain in Outpatient Hysteroscopy: A Randomised Controlled Trial. BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology.
Fusari G, Gibbs E, Hoskin L, Dickens D, Leis M, Taylor E, et al. (2020) Protocol for a feasibility study of OnTrack: a digital system for upper limb rehabilitation after stroke. BMJ Open.
de Almeida, L., Matthews, E., Fusari, G. (2017) Patient Flow: Design to Improve Patient Flow through Acute Medicine3rd UCL Centre for Behaviour Change Digital Health Conference 2017: Harnessing digital technology for behaviour change
Fusari, G., Matthews, E. (2013) Redesigning the UK Emergency Ambulance in Journal of Medical Devices, September
Matthews, E., Fusari, G., Torlei, K., & West, J. (2013) Research and Design: How do we combine them to bring better solutions to market? in Journal of Medical Devices, September
Halls, S., Ulivari, F., Lloyd, T. & Fusari, G. (2012) Reducing Violence and Aggression in A&E Through a Better Experience in Information Design Conference, April
Benger, J., Matthews, E., Fusari, G., Harrow, D., Stevens, P., Winsor, R., Dean, D., King, D., & Darzi, A. (2011) Implementing Emergency Ambulance Re-design in International Conference in Emergency Medicine, June
Fusari, G., Tomos, H., Matthews, E., Rock, M., Arkle, S. & Wolfson, D. (2015) `Cutting Edge: Understanding advanced surgical processes for total knee replacement through design research,' at Design4Health 2015 Conference, Sheffield, 15 July 2015
Buckle, P., Barlow J., West. J. & Fusari, G. (2015) `Using the Design Process to Improve Healthcare Products: What are the major challenges?' Panel discussion at NIHR Diagnostic Evidence Cooperative Summer Open Day, London, 1 July 2015
Matthews, E., West J. & Fusari, G. (2015) `Research and Design: How do we combine them to bring better solutions to the market?' at BioTrinity 2015 Conference, London, 12 May 2015
Fusari, G. (2013) ‘Redesigning the UK Emergency Ambulance: a business case for integrating human factors’, Design of Medical Devices Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
Fusari, G. (2012) ‘Reducing Violence and Aggression in A&E Through a Better Experience’, Time to Think Differently, The King’s Fund Annual Conference, London
Fusari, G. (2012) ‘Redesigning the UK Emergency Ambulance’, Time to Think Differently, The King’s Fund Annual Conference, London
External collaborations
2016, Healthcare and Design, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile.
2016, Dubai 100 Design Dash, Falcon and Associates, Dubai, UAE.
2013, Workshop Leader, SKIP Summer School - Design: Catalyst for Social Change.
2013, Team Leader, 24 Hour Design Challenge, during the Design4Health Conference 2013,
Sheffield, UK
2012 , Design Mentoring, TeamLab, startup workshops, Tallinn, Estonia.