Julia is a Structural Engineer and is the Technical Studies tutor for ADS 1.
Julia founded Scale Consulting Ltd in 2018. Previously she was a Director of Expedition Engineering which she joined in 2006 after working for Buro Happold in the UK and New York. She has designed wide variety of building types and scales, typified by projects demanding a high degree of design integration, and structural expression, including towers, performing arts centres and residential developments. She has collaborated with some of the world’s most celebrated designers, leading the engineering design on buildings including the Intesa SanPaolo Tower in Turin with Renzo Piano Building Workshop, the Kurdistan Museum, Erbil (with Studio Daniel Libeskind), the EMPAC centre, NY (with Grimshaw) and the Aga Khan Centre, London Maki + Associates on their first UK project. She has featured and authored articles in the IStructE’s magazine and in Detail magazine.
Her degree is a MSc Architectural Engineering from Leeds University, awarded with distinction in 1993. She spent a year at Pennsylvania State University as part of her studies.
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Outside of commercial practice, Julia has served as a Trustee of Architecture for Humanity UK and supporting disaster relief programmes in Thailand and Pakistan as well as for industry panels, including the Institution of Structural Engineers Humanitarian and International Development panel.
She is a Built Environment Expert for CABE at the Design Council and on the Quality Review Panel for the London Borough of Havering. She is a Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers and a licenced Professional Engineer in the State of Connecticut USA.
She has been a judge for several industry awards including RIBA London, the Structural Steel awards and the Institution of Structural Engineers International awards.