Peter Christian
- Head of Executive Education
Research, Knowledge Exchange & Innovation
Peter is Head of Executive Education, and is responsible for developing a distinctive portfolio of executive education and summer programmes based on RCA research and practice. Peter works closely with colleagues in the Research & Knowledge Exchange Office, the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design and all four Schools.
Peter was previously at Kingston University, where he managed enterprise activity for the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture through the development of short courses, knowledge exchange, consultancy and research collaborations.
He was involved with external projects for Seat UK, United Business Media, British Waterways, M&S, Dixons Group, the Embassy of Japan and Facebook as well as dealing with Innovate, Interreg and Knowledge Transfer Partnerships. He was the key Kingston contact for the AHRC Creativeworks hub, the ERDF London Fusion partnership and The Culture Capital Exchange network.
Before joining Kingston in 2009, Peter led three different London-based design businesses. Clients included E&Y Japan, FontanaArte Italy, Luxit Italy, Elmar Flötotto Germany, Senator UK, M&S, Cafe Nero, Bank of England, the Treasury, Selfridges, Harrods, Habitat, Oxford University and the Bundestag Germany.
His award winning designs are included in the permanent collections of the V&A Museum, London and the Collezione Permanenti Cosmit, Italy.
Peter’s first design business was created on graduation from the Royal College of Art.