Professor Ken Neil
- Pro Vice-Chancellor, Academic
School of Arts & Humanities
Ken has over two decades of teaching experience and has held senior academic posts at The Glasgow School of Art since 2006.
Ken studied painting and the history and philosophy of art at Edinburgh University, before achieving an MFA in painting from Edinburgh College of Art in 1995. He completed a PhD in art theory in 2003.
Ken has written extensively on contemporary art and theory, and is currently on the editorial board of the Journal of Visual Art Practice. His research and writing relate to three fields: contemporary art and art theory; issues for creative education; and the visual culture of the everyday.
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External collaborations
Ken has been a National Sector Lead for creative and cultural practice disciplines for the Scottish Enhancement Theme 'Research-Teaching Linkages' and has served on the AHRC Fellowships Review Panel. He has also served on the Editorial Board of the journal 'Art & Research' and the AHRC Peer Review College.
From January 2014, he was appointed a Trustee of the UK Association of Art Historians, and chaired the Association’s Further and Higher Education Special Interest Group.
Ken is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of the Arts. He was appointed to the Board of Trustees of community arts organisation, Impact Arts.