Siân Lund is responsible for developing EAP (English for Academic Purposes) Academic Skills support for all students across the college as well as considering the particular needs of international students studying at postgraduate level.
Siân is responsible for promoting inclusive pedagogy for diverse learning groups by advising staff as well as scaffolding students’ academic skills development. Siân liaises with staff across the College in a needs analysis capacity as well as a staff development role fostering understanding of the processes of internationalisation from an acculturation perspective. This involves promoting understanding of the processes of acculturation that all students experience from changes in behavioural skills to cognitive adjustment: this has been designed into workshops through a Process of Enquiry model of developing critical reflective academic skills.
Siân has a Masters in Applied Linguistics, a BA in Mandarin Chinese and French, and has designed and taught language, skills and intercultural communication courses for 30 years in UK Higher Education, Europe and China.
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Publications, exhibitions & other outcomes
Siân has been involved in promoting understanding of acculturation and a process-led development of critical, reflective research skills by organising and leading the following presentations and seminars:
(2023) Lund, S. & Blair, S. BALEAP Conference, ‘Curiosity and Disruption: lessons from a transdisciplinary exploration of writing styles at the Royal College of Art’.
(2023) Lund, S. ‘An investigation of meaning-making processes: how experiential, dialogic participation is required in learning how to write in an art and design community of practice’, WRAB 23 Writing Research Across Borders, Norway.
(2023)Lund, S. MacArthur,J. Hamilton,M. Smith, A. Reflections on Collaborative Course Design to Enhance the Use of Interactive Learning: bridging the gap for inclusive online communication, ART+ RCA.
(2022) Lund, S. & MacArthur, J. Transferring interactive academic skills to an online learning experience, ALT M25.
(2021) BALEAP Creative SIG event, ‘Reflections on the transformational process of creative disciplines education within EAP pedagogy’, BALEAP Conference.
(2021) S. Blair & S. Lund ‘Working through acculturative change: an inclusive, process-led approach to online dialogic communication’ CHEAD Membership Dissemination Event: Inclusive Learning, Digital Futures.
(2019) Lund, S. 'Position and Critical Engagement', European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW) conference, Chambers University of technology, Sweden.
(2019) Lund, S. & James, A. 'An Ontology for Critical Engagement', Criticality in EAP, RCA seminar day organised by Siân Lund.
(2019) Lund, S. 'Tools for Communication': Booklet investigating the process of enquiry and position development among Art and Design students.
(2019) 'Criticality, Creativity and Context: EAP in Art and Design', a one-day seminar organised by Siân Lund at the RCA.
(2018) Lund, S. & James, A. 'Academic Literacies and EAP: Same or different: ALL for one and one for ALL – Academic Literacies and EAP in a Graduate Diploma Programme'. BALEAP/ALDin HE joint one-day conference, University of Essex.
(2018) Lund, S. and Yuelin Liu, 'Critical Thinking in a Culturally Diverse Design Education – Equal Voices?', Presentation at SOAS Teaching and Learning Conference.