Spyros is a design researcher and educator. His research looks at how research-through-design can comprehend how we can transition towards sustainability.
Dr Spyros Bofylatos is a Tutor (Research) in the Design Products MA and an executive director of the European Academy of Design. He has worked in various research projects dealing with design as an agent of change. His research sprawls around design for sustainability, craft, material driven design and social innovation. He has more than a decade of experience in design education and creative facilitation having taught in Greece, India, Germany, Portugal and the UK.
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Research interests
Spyros’s research is grounded in the notion that design is context specific and as such any attempt to frame it a priori is doomed to fail.
His work is based on creating propositional artefacts that embody different questions. This, Research through Design, approach can shed light to tacit and serendipitous aspects of the creative endeavour that modern science is unable to grasp. At the very core of his work process lies the notion that we live in transitional times and the process of making the networks of artefacts that embody alternative systems of values is necessary shift from today’s unsustainable society.
This transition from modernity needs alternative ways of knowing, ranging from indigenous knowledge, personal narratives and futures thinking to be included in any decision making process.
Publications, exhibitions, other outcomes
Edited Volumes
Mazzarela, F., & Bofylatos, S., (eds.). (2021) Design for social innovation and entrepreneurship. DESIS Network Association, Milan. ISBN 978-88-941673-2-0
Peer Reviewed Journals
Bofylatos, S. (2022). Upcycling Systems Design, Developing a Methodology through Design. Sustainability, 14(2), 600. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14020600
Bofylatos, S., Xyntarianos-Tsiropinas, P., Charoupia, H., & Nikolakopoulou, V., (2021). Design Perspectives, Placebeing on an Island in the Mediterranean. PAD. Pages on Arts and Design, 21(14)
Bofylatos, S., & Azariadis, P. (2022). Supporting the emergence of Indian design through design and innovation centres–A methodological approach. The Design Journal, 25(4), 537-555.
Bofylatos, S. (2020). Designing resilient creative communities through biomimetic service design. Strategic Design Research Journal, 13(2), 249-267.
Bofylatos, S., & Tsiropinas, P. X. (2019). Understanding the city as Habitat and Habitus. UXUC-User Experience and Urban Creativity, 1(2), 50-61. https://doi.org/10.48619/uxuc.v1i2.103
Karadima, D., & Bofylatos, S. (2019). Co-living as a means to re-engagement. A literature review. The Design Journal, 22(sup1), pp.751-762. https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2019.1595397
Bofylatos, S. (2019). Being safe is scary. Increasing precariousness in co-design. The Design Journal, 22(sup1), 2239-2241. https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2019.1595018
Bofylatos, S. & Telalbasic, I. (2019). Service startups and creative communities: Two sides of the same coin?. The Design Journal, 22(3), 239-256. https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2019.1592809
Tsiropinas, P. X., Bofylatos, S., & Spyrou, T. (2018) Remixing heritage, a case study in the application of street art in cultural capital. Sustainable Development, Culture,Traditions Journal. 1a/2018, 30-43 https://doi.org/10.26341/ISSN.2241-4002-2018-1A-510.26341/ISSN.2241-4002-2018-1A-5
Bofylatos, S., & Spyrou, T. (2017). Meaning, knowledge and artifacts, giving a voice to tacit knowledge. The Design Journal, 20(sup1), 4422-S4433. https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2017.1352938
Bofylatos, S. (2017). Adopting a craft approach in the context of social innovation. Craft Research, 8(2), 223-240. https://doi.org/10.1386/crre.8.2.223_1
Bofylatos, S., & Spyrou, T. (2016). Supporting Design Dialogue through a Communication Framework Using Four Layers of Abstraction. The Design Journal, 19(2), 269-282.
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
Charoupia, H., & Bofylatos, S. (in press) Unfurling nature’s complexity to find our way back in Vezzani, V., Bertolotti, E., & Gonzaga, S., (Eds.) Atlantic Wonder
Bofylatos, S. (2018) Bridging Counter-Culture Grass-Roots Initiatives with Design. in Coombs, G., Sade, G. J., & McNamara, A. E.(Eds) Undesign Critical Practices at the Intersection of Art and Design. Routledge UK. ISBN 9781138695719
Bofylatos, S., Niavis, D., & Archontaki, I. (2013) DPSDBeyond, a student initiative for open learning. In Salmi, E., Godson, L., Milton A., & Molik, J. (eds.) Cumulus Working Papers Dublin –More for Less, Design Education in an Age of Austerity. Cumulus, Finland, ISBN 978-952-60-0065-7
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers
Charoupia, E., & Bofylatos, S. (2022, October 12-16) Adopting Biomimicry in Design Problem Framing: a proposed application of a post-dualist systemic design process. RSD12 : Brighton United Kingdom
Boukouvala, N., & Bofylatos, S. (2022, June 25 – July 2). From wine tasting to materials sensorial perception: A framework for materials experience. DRS2022: Bilbao, .
Kottaridou, A., & Bofylatos, S. (2019, November 15-16) Whole systems upcycling, a Methodology for designing in the Circular Economy. Responsive Cities 2019, Disruption through Circular Design, Barcelona, Spain
Boukouvala N., Bofylatos S. & Zacharopoulos N. (2019, September 23-24 ) MYCELIUM exploring the new, alternative fungal hyphae based material’s potentials. EKSIG2019 Knowing Together – experiential knowledge and collaboration, Tallinn Estonia
Triantaylli, N., & Bofylatos, S. (2019, September 23-24) “Poke it with a stick”, using autoethnography in research through design. EKSIG2019 Knowing Together – experiential knowledge and collaboration, Tallinn Estonia
Bofylatos, S., (2018, June 18-20) Traces as service evidence, ServDes 2018 Proof of Concept, Milan, Italy
Bofylatos S., Kachrimani, C., & Zacharopoulos, N., (2017, June 19-20) Upcycling reclaimed wood, a preliminary analysis, EKSIG 2017: Alive. Active. Adaptive, Delft, the Netherlands
Triantafylli, N., & Bofylatos, S. (2017 June 19-20) An experimental approach for the inclusion of the experiential aspects of lighting through the design process of atmospheric luminaires, EKSIG2017 Alive. Active. Adaptive, Delft, the Netherlands
Bofylatos S. Spyrou T. Darzentas I. & Darzenta J. (2016, October 23-27) The service design studio, putting it all together, NordiCHI 16, Experience Design for Multiple Customer Touchpoints workshop, Gothenburg, Sweeden
Stergiadou, Z., Darzentas, J., & Bofylatos, S. (2016, June 27-30). Designing for sustainability: a dialogue-based approach to the design of food packaging experiences, DRS2016: Design + Research + Society - Future-Focused Thinking, Brighton, UK
Kapralos L., & Bofylatos, S., (2014, April 22-24) Increasing customer satisfaction and brand differentiation through service design, a case study in the airline sector, 111h European Academy of Design, “The Value of Design Research, Paris, France
Bofylatos, S., & Spyrou, T. (2014, April 22-24) A four layer of abstraction communication framework Supporting design dialogue, 111h European Academy of Design, The Value of Design Research, Paris, France
Bofylatos, S., Spyrou, T,. Darzentas, I., & Darzenta, J. (2014, June 3-6) Designing an intensive programme based on service design and design for Sustainability, Cumulus Milan 2015, The virtuous circle, Milan Italy
Academic Book Reviews
Bofylatos, S. (2021). Design and Spirituality: A Philosophy of Material Cultures by Stuart Walker. The Design Journal 24(3), 343-361. https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2021.1906098
Telalbasic, I., & Bofylatos, S. (2019). Designing the Invisible: An Introduction to Service Design, by Lara Penin. The Design Journal, 22(4), 551-556. https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2019.1615677
External collaborations and activities
(2019 – present) Executive director, European Academy of Design