Key details
- 19 October 2022
- Colum Lowe
Read time
- 1 minute
The RCA's Design Age Institute Director, Colum Lowe, has developed a new executive level masterclass about how to create better customer experiences, products and services for a rapidly ageing population.
He explains how the Masterclass (8–9 Dec 2022) will introduce participants to both the challenges and opportunities of designing for and with an ageing population.
Key details
- 19 October 2022
- Colum Lowe
Read time
- 1 minute
Globally, the population aged 60 and over is growing faster than all other age groups. According to the Office for National Statistics, in 2015 there were around 901 million people aged 60 years and over worldwide, representing 12.3% of the global population, by 2050 it will have increased to 2.1 billion or 21.3%. It seems obvious that having more older people as a proportion of the overall population is going to have a significant impact on a variety of aspects of our daily lives, care services, transport systems, housing and commerce.
What is often ignored is that this significant demographic shift should also result in the wisest planet we have ever known. Never before in the history of humankind will there be so much lived experience to draw upon, to learn from and to build on. It is important that we not only prepare for the challenges that an ageing population might present, but that we understand how to benefit from the opportunities as well.
The two-day Masterclass runs from 8–9 December 2022 and invites participants to explore how some of the perceived problems of an ageing society can be designed out, and how the assets of an ageing population must be understood and leveraged for the benefit of all.
The course will include content and unique insights from the Institute’s partners at Oxford University’s Institute of Population Ageing, the International Longevity Centre UK and the VOICE at the UK National Innovation Centre for Ageing.
Book your place for 8–9 December 2022

“Participants will come away with not only a greater understanding of the challenges of an ageing society but also, through the development and application of design-led and age inclusive techniques and approaches, how these challenges can become opportunities.”
Director Design Age Institute and Course Leader
More information
Masterclass: Designing for an Ageing Population
Colum Lowe will be leading a new two day live on campus and in person RCA Executive Education Masterclass entitled ‘Designing for an Ageing Population’ on 8–9 December 2022.
- Leverage world-class design research expertise
- Understand age inclusive design thinking techniques and principles
- Apply these to challenges and opportunities of an ageing society in your workplace.