Reshaping and redesigning the interaction between users and vehicles.
At a glance
The project focuses on the experience of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as embodied in Autonomous Vehicles (AV).
AVs are expected to lead to disruptive and eventually transformative changes in mobility. There is however a public sense of distrust and apprehension, therefore purposeful design for trust and acceptance is critical. AV journey experiences that are inclusive and joyful will become key commercial differentiators for mobility providers, and persuade the public towards more sustainable transport choices. The project aims to achieve a positive experience for both future passengers and other road users through the development of innovative interior, exterior and interaction concepts.
The project explores novel and innovative AV design directions in two complementary and interconnected strands:
- In-vehicle intelligent agents, tangible, embedded, and embodied interactions; and
- The exterior and interior design of future AVs and its role as the primary interface establishing the relationship between AVs, its passengers and other road users.
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Project key features
- Experimentation and development of intuitive, inclusive and aesthetic interaction concepts tackling complicated behaviours via low complexity interfaces.
- Vehicle interior and exterior design developments driven by understanding the role of the vehicle appearance in establishing the relationship between people and AVs.
Project aims
- Development of a Data-Informed-Design (D-I-D) framework providing design practitioners and strategists tangible anchors to direct and validate design activities towards critical design features.
- Facilitating the public acceptance and transition towards more sustainable mobility by understanding and creating persuasive interactions and experiences with Autonomous Vehicles.
- Development of design requirements for future AI based mobility from an experiential perspective.