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Diels, C., Dugenetet, P., Brietzke, A., Pham Xuan, R. (2023). Design strategies to alleviate motion sickness in rear seat passengers – a test track study. Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITSC 2023, 24-28 September 2023 Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain.

Diels, C. , Roe, J., Lee, M., Nah, I., Wu, J., Mausbach, A., Phillips, D., Harrow, D. (2023). Designing Joyful Journeys for Demand Responsive Transport (DRT). Proceedings of the Fourth International Comfort Congress, September 6-7 2023, Amberg, Germany.

Diels, C., Stylidis, K., Safa, F., Haramoto, H., Shu, Y., Charwick, C., Wu, J., Mausbach, A., Harrow, D. (2023). Designing Perceived Safety in Autonomous Vehicles. Proceedings of the Fourth International Comfort Congress, September 6-7 2023, Amberg, Germany.

Diels, C., Ye, Y., Tarabini, M., Bos, J., Maeda, S. (2023). Standards on standing - the influence of posture on comfort and health effects of whole-body vibration. Proceedings of the Fourth International Comfort Congress, September 6-7 2023, Amberg, Germany.

Dong, J., Nadri, C., Alvarez, I., Diels, C., Lee, M., Li, J., ... & Jeon, M. (2023). “Play Your Anger”: A report on the empathic in-vehicle interface workshop. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (pp. 168-173).

Feiel, S., Mausbach, A.G., Parra, B.J. (2023). Panel Discussion: Circular Economy. In: Benítez-Andrades, J.A., García-Llamas, P., Taboada, Á., Estévez-Mauriz, L., Baelo, R. (eds) Global Challenges for a Sustainable Society . EURECA-PRO 2022. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham.

Gaudion, Katie, Phillips, Dan and Pau, Stephanie, 2023, Printed Publication, STREETS FOR DIVERSITY: EXPLORING HOW NEURODIVERGENT PEOPLE EXPERIENCE STREETS

Mausbach, A.G., Diels, C., Harrow, D., dos Santos, M.C.L. (2023). Plenary: Anti-Ephemeral Design for Responsible Production and Consumption of Mobility. In: Benítez-Andrades, J.A., García-Llamas, P., Taboada, Á., Estévez-Mauriz, L., Baelo, R. (eds) Global Challenges for a Sustainable Society . EURECA-PRO 2022. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham.

Stylidis, K., Quattelbaum, B., Diels, C., Braun, A., Konrad, F., Söderberg, R. (2023). Perceived Comfort of Car Seats: A Research Methodology to Visual Cues Evaluation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Research into Design, ICORD 2023: Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3 pp 243–256.

Sun, Y., Wang, H., Zhang, Z., Diels, C., Asadipour, A. (2023). RESenv: A realistic earthquake simulation environment based on Unreal Engine. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.07239

Sun, Y., Wang, H., Zhang, Z., Diels, C., & Asadipour, A. (2023). RESenv: A realistic earthquake simulation environment based on Unreal Engine. IMET 2023.

Sun, Y., Zhou, Z., Diels, C., & Asadipour, A. (2023, October). DeepMetricEye: Metric depth estimation in periocular VR imagery. In 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) (pp. 434-443). IEEE.


Bos, J.E., Diels, C., Souman, J.L. (2022). Beyond seasickness: a motivated call for a new motion sickness standard across motion environments. Vibration, Volume 5, Issue 4, 755-769

Bos, J.E., Diels, C., Souman, J.L. (2022). What we don’t know (yet) about (self-driving) carsickness. DSC 2022 EUROPE VR Driving Simulation Conference & Exhibition, 14-16 Sept, Strasbourg, France.

Diels, C., Stylidis, K., Mausbach, A.M., Harrow, D. (2022). Shaping autonomous vehicles: Towards a taxonomy of design features instilling a sense of safety. In: Krömker H. (eds) HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Cham.

Diels, C., Ye, Y., Bos, J.E., Maeda, S. (2022). Motion Sickness in Automated Vehicles: Principal Research Questions and the Need for Common Protocols. SAE International Journal of Connected and Automated Vehicles 5(2). DOI: 10.4271/12-05-02-0011

Severs, R., Wu, J., Diels, C., Harrow, D., Singleton, J., Winsor, R. (2022). Imagining an inclusive future for shared autonomous vehicle interiors: A participatory design workshop study. AutomotiveUI ’22: Adjunct Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, September 2022 Pages 73–78, Seoul, South Korea.

Severs, R., Wu, J., Diels, C., Harrow, D., Winsor, R. (2022).Inclusive Shared Autonomous Vehicles: Identifying areas for inclusive design intervention. INCLUDE 2022. Unheard Voices. 11th Inclusive Design Conference Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Royal College of Art.


Mausbach, A.G., Diels, C., Evans, S., Harrow, D., Safa, F. and Quinlan, D. (2021). “A Quadruple Bottom Line of Sustainability Analysis of Ecofitting Design Concept". In 2021 Sixteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER) Monte-Carlo, Monaco, 2021 (pp. 1-13). IEEE. DOI:10.1109/EVER52347.2021.9456640

Severs, R., Wu, J., Diels, C., Harrow, D., Uhlarik, M. (2021). Side-stepping future transport exclusion via an expanded inclusive design approach. Proceedings of the ninth Congress of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR ’21), 5-9 December 2021, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Diels, C., Bos, J.E. (2021). Great Expectations: On the Design of Predictive Motion Cues to Alleviate Carsickness. In: Krömker H. (eds) HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12791. Springer, Cham.

Erol, T., Diels, C., Shippen, J., Richards, D. (2021). Which design features differentiate expectations in automotive seating comfort? A mixed methods approach. Comfort Congress, 2-3 September 2021, Online conference.

Harrow, D. & Wu, J. (2021) Chapter 8: Designing for a future with driverless vehicles – acceptance and adoption. Cities for Driverless Vehicles – Planning the future built environment with shared mobility, pp183-217. ICE Publishing. London.

Mausbach, A.G., Diels, C., Evans, S., Harrow, D., Safa, F. and Quinlan, D. (2021). “Ecofitting: design directions upgrading cars to zero emissions”. In 2021 Sixteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER) Monte-Carlo, Monaco, 2021 (pp. 1-7). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/EVER52347.2021.9456656

Phillips, D., & Cowie, P. (2022). Engaging rural enterprise: Community place-making and transport planning.

Phillips, D. (2021). Our future town: changing hearts and minds policy research.

Wu, J., Hesseldahl, K., Johnson, S., Clark, S., Quinlan, D., Harrow, D. (2021) Designing for Driver’s Emotional Transitions and Rituals. Proceedings of AutomotiveUI ’21. Leeds, United Kingdom.

Zileli, S., Wu, J., Diels, C., Boyd Davis, S. (2021) Creating Artificial Societies through Interaction Analysis: Translating Qualitative Observational Study into Agent-Based Modelling. Proceedings of the Artificial Life Conference (ALIFE). The MIT Press.


Jiayu Wu, Dale Harrow, Katrine Hesseldahl, Samuel Johnson, Sheila Clark, Dan Quinlan. (2020) Process Matters: from car owner experiences to automotive design proposals. Proceedings of the Design Research Society 2020 International Conference. Brisbane.

Cieslak, M., Kanarachos, S., Blundell, M., Diels, C., Burnett, M., Baxendale, A. (2020). Accurate ride comfort estimation combining accelerometer measurements, anthropometric data and neural networks, Neural Computing and Applications 32 (12), 8747-8762.

Harmer L., Cain R., and Mausbach, A. (2020), “Joyful Journeys: putting wellbeing at the centre of future travel”. Chapter in PETERMANS, A. CAIN R., Design For Well-Being. Abingdon: Routledge, 2020.p.76-89.

Kuiper, O. X., Bos, J. E., Diels, C., & Schmidt, E. A. (2020). Knowing what’s coming: Anticipatory audio cues can mitigate motion sickness. Applied Ergonomics, 85, 1-6.

Mausbach, A.G., Safa, F., Harrow, D., Diels, C. (2020). Ecofitting Circular Economy: An alternative approach to market, consumption, and design towards zero emissions

Payre, W., Diels, C. (2020). I want to brake free: the effect of connected vehicle features on driver behaviour, usability and acceptance. Applied ergonomics 82, 102932.

Salter, S., Diels, C., Herriotts, P., Kanarachos, S., Thake, D. (2020). Model to predict motion sickness within autonomous vehicles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 234(5), 1330-1345

Schmidt, E. A., Kuiper, O. X., Wolter, S., Diels, C., & Bos, J. E. (2020). An international survey on the incidence and modulating factors of carsickness. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 71, 76–87.