Designing Services & Products with Artificial Intelligence
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Implementing the RCA's blended learning method, this online short course explored how you can professionally utilise AI innovations
“The course was very interesting. I particularly liked the workshops where we could apply the theory to practical cases. I would recommend this to anyone who would like to understand the process of AI a bit more.”
Course participant
Last year the RCA successfully launched a custom online course in association with Edology that connected students and professionals worldwide with online higher education. This tailored course was first delivered in India, where more than 100 delegates subscribed to a nine-week long journey on designing AI-powered products and services.
Led by Dr Laura Ferrarello, the learning experience was divided into 10 units covering the different aspects of AI-powered design, including a comprehensive list of design methods and principles of human-computer interactions. It also covered understanding role biases, assumptions and ethics as well as techniques for working in interdisciplinary teams. Further, the course included units delivered by RCA’s AI researchers and designers such as Iulia Ionescu – on breaking down all the necessary aspect of pragmatically incorporating AI, ML or DL in a design brief; Sabrina Recoules Quang – on how to employ data as a medium for storytelling; and Vidhi Mehta – on how to utilise prototyping as a thinking method for service and product development.
Through an online and offline blended experience that guided learning through presentations, readings, live Q&As and webinars, participants had the opportunity to:
- interact directly with the course unit leaders, RCA Alumni and experts from around the world
- receive personalised weekly guidance on bringing their AI-powered concepts to life
- collaborate with global peers from different disciplines to propose innovative products or services that are not yet on the market
- acquire AI development skills for use in the creative industry
- access a digital platform that not only acts as a complete e-learning environment but also as a content hub.
Visit the Edology page to find out more about the online course.
“The inclusion of AI already exists in the field of design; this module has brought me a more in-depth relationship between the two as well as how to properly apply the principles of co-design in my design brief.”
Course participant

Online course delivery

Research methods
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